Population worldwide consider education and good governance as the top priorities for a sustainable future


MY World is a global survey for citizens led by the United Nations and partners in the framework of the Post-2015 process and the elaboration of the future agenda for sustainable development agenda. It aims to capture people’s voices, priorities and views and bringing them forward to global leaders to inform them as the process begins. Through an survey realised both online and door to door, MY World asks individuals which six of sixteen possible issues they think would make the most difference to their lives.

A first analysis of the results has been provided at the High Level Panel meeting in Monrovia, early February. All categories of respondents voted as the 2 first priorities for:

  • A good education
  • An honest and responsive government

Disaggregated results reveal interesting differences between the groups, that will have to be confirmed through the continuation of the survey in the coming weeks:

  • Women address equality between men and women as the 5th priority while it does not appear among the top-10 priorities of the men.
  • People under 35 identify better healthcare as 3d priority, while it comes in 4th position for the 35-54 and 5th for above 54.
  • People under 35 also call for better job opportunities which do not appear in the priorities of the elders. On the contrary they do not prioritise climate change while the elders do.
  • Better job opportunities do not appear in the global top 10 priorities while it is the 5th priority of the low and medium income countries (this could be explained by the fact most of the respondents so far are coming from high and very high level income countries who have answered through internet)

See more in post 2015 website.

Vote at: http://www.myworld2015.org/