Local and regional governments committed to poverty eradication


On the International Day for Poverty Eradication, UCLG wants to confirm the commitment of its Local and Regional Governments members to end extreme poverty in all its forms, in the context of sustainable development, and to contribute to work towards sustained prosperity for all.

As the sphere of government with much of the responsibility for meeting many of the MDGs and sustainable development goals, local and regional governments and their organisations have gathered in a Global Taskforce to contribute to the Post-2015 and Habitat III that will need to address many of the challenges faced by humanity. 

3500 local and regional authorities recently adopted the Rabat World Congress Declaration, expressing the need for one single, universal sustainable development agenda that would include all international policy processes and that will be a shared responsibility the world round.  

Local and Regional Governments call for a greater role of their level of government in international processes at the same time that request the inclusion of a Goal on Sustainable Urbanization that will take into account the drastic changes that the demographics of our world are undergoing. 

UCLG, its members and partners  are committed to contributing to prosperity and sustainable development through the right to the city, inclusion, equality, access to essential services, decent work, adequate housing and culture sensitive policies.

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