Launch of the Peer Learning Note 24 on Local and Regional Disaster Risk Reduction


The practices shared by the 15 participating cities at the peer learning workshop held in Surabaya last September as well as the lessons learnt are now available for the whole network through the new Peer Learning Note 24. The publication has been officially launched during the UCLG ASPAC retreat at the beginning of December that was held back-to-back with the ceremony of the Guangzhou Award

Local and Regional Governments are at the frontline of Disaster Risk Reduction but also the first in responding if a disaster occurs. Moreover, cities are vulnerable to both natural and man-made hazards, aggravated by high density, location along rivers or at the coastline and in some cases significant amount of informal housing.

The Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 tackles this issue and aims to reduce the losses of lives and value caused by disasters every year. This Global Agenda reflects the central role of local and regional governments in order to make all territories more resilient and to better protects its citizens. UCLG was closely involved in the drafting process of the Sendai Framework and advocated successfully for an extensive integration of the local and regional level. Furthermore, UCLG is committed to support its members in the localization process of this global agenda.

In order to fulfill this aim, UCLG Learning and UCLG ASPAC organized, in partnership with Connective Cities (GIZ), the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR), UN-Habitat, Guangzhou International Award for Urban Innovation and the UCLG Taskforce for Territorial Prevention and Management of Crises, a 3 days Peer Learning Event on Disaster Risk Reduction and the Localization of the Sendai Framework.

“The Sendai Framework is a global agenda and DRR is an important issue for local governments on all continents. In this sense, the Peer Learning Workshop held in Surabaya included lessons beyond the ASPAC Region and will serve as a source of knowledge and inspiration for all cities” Tri Rismaharini – Mayor of the city of Surabaya and President of UCLG ASPAC

The peer learning concluded with a first roadmap for the further localization of the Sendai Framework and will further enrich the UCLG knowledge management. Together with our partners, we will continue our efforts to foster disaster risk reduction at the local and regional level through the localization of the Sendai Framework to make all territories more resilient!