In Doha, UCLG stresses local and regional governments’ role in Sustainable Development
UCLG Secretary General Josep Roig arrived in Doha to participate in the 16th Conference of The Arab Town Organisation (ATO) held from May 14 to 16 and entitled “Cities and The Challenges of Sustainable Development”.
UCLG and ATO towards a new development agenda
The role played by Arab cities in the worldwide movement has always been significant and Arab Towns Organization was, along with UCLG, a direct inheritor of the Habitat II conference that united the voices of cities and local governments to stand strong before the international community.
Both organizations work together for the construction of the Global Development Agenda after 2015 through the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments convened by UCLG and gathering all local government networks.
“It is not that we are following the UN agenda, what we are rather trying to demonstrate to the world is that the UN Agenda has always been our agenda”, stressed UCLG’s Secretary General, Josep Roig.
Rapid urbanization, the growth and expansion of mega cities and the complexities of urban regions and corridors are given increased attention from the international community. “The Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, Habitat III in 2016 can and should be a decisive milestone where the maturity of our movement should be fully recognized” said UCLG’s Secretary General.
Invitation to Rabat 2013
Regarding the new urban agenda, the Mayor of Rabat, Fatallah Oualalou, insisted on the impact of the economic crisis and its negative impact on urban development strategies. Amongst the challenges facing cities, Oualalou recalled those related to development, jobs and youth, decentralization and local democracy and climate challenge.
The World Summit of Local and Regional Leaders and 4th UCLG Congress to be held in Rabat next 1-4 October will be the next stop in discussions on these issues. Josep Roig highlighted the importance of this Congress and invited all members, partners and networks of UCLG to register for this crucial meeting that will also be the venue for the celebration of the 100 years of municipal movement.
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