Global campaign 2010-2011 for the prevention of disasters New


United Cities and Local Governments continues its efforts to actively contribute to awareness raising and mobilization of its members for disaster prevention.

During its Istanbul World Council in November 2008, UCLG adopted a position paper in which the members committed to integrate risk assessment into their development plans and to beginning awareness raising and education campaigns for citizens for a greater resilience towards potential risks.

Today, UCLG has joined forces with UNISDR (United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction) to launch the 2010-2011 global campaign for local governments across the world to make a commitment towards adopting local strategies for disaster resilient territories.

Local Governments are invited to adhere to up to 10 actions which will help them to better anticipate disaster risks:

Ten essential points for making cities resilient

Participate to the campaign

Know more about the campaign