Contributing to the post-2015 Agenda and the New Urban Agenda of Habitat III in 2016, a strategic priority of UCLG


UCLG has produced a tool for local and regional governments to contribute to the post-2015 Agenda and the New Urban Agenda of Habitat III in 2016. This tool is designed to initiate a dialogue among sub-national governments and their partners around the new Urban Agenda, which should lead towards an advocacy strategy.

UCLG has produced a tool for local and regional governments to contribute to the post-2015 Agenda and the New Urban Agenda of Habitat III in 2016. This tool is designed to initiate a dialogue among sub-national governments and their partners around the new Urban Agenda, which should lead towards an advocacy strategy.

Local and regional governments are building our own Global Agenda that reflects our concerns, priorities and vision. We are doing so through a broad and inclusive debate with each other and with our partners, within the Global Taskforce of Local and Regional Governments for post-2015 and towards Habitat III (GTF).

In committing to draw up our own global development agenda, sub-national leaders are adopting a more pro-active approach to participation in global debates. 

The Global Agenda of Local and Regional Governments for the 21st Century aims to contribute a holistic vision on development issues that builds on their own experiences and practices and provides local solutions to global challenges. However, the consultation process that will lead to the creation of the Global Agenda of Local and Regional Governments will be just as important in linking local and global challenges as the final contents.

To this end, UCLG, in close collaboration with the other networks of the Global Taskforce, will hold a global consultation process that engages local and regional authorities and their partners in all regions. The debates will address the main problems and priorities, possible solutions and should result in commitments from local and regional governments to: implement better-adapted development solutions; contribute to inclusive and sustainable urbanization; build resilient local communities, improve access to basic services with a gender sensitive approach and reinforce local governance and accountability. This bottom-up interactive debate will enhance the legitimacy of networks of sub-national governments, which are founded on broad participation of LRGs from different regions of the world.

This tool is the result of the very early stages of UCLG’s work in preparation for Habitat III. It is based on ongoing collaborative work between UCLG Committees and Working Groups, academic experts, and sub-national political leaders.

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