Cities for Human Rights


The city of Gwangju, South Korea, will discuss with the members of de Committee on Social Inclusion how to foster “Cities for the human Rights”. From 15 to 18 May 2014 the mayor of Gwangju, Mr. Kang Un-Tae, has called the 4th World Human Rights Cities Forum, which this year will be celebrated.

The city of Gwangju, South Korea, will discuss with the members of de Committee on Social Inclusion how to foster “Cities for the human Rights”

From 15 to 18 May 2014 the mayor of Gwangju, Mr. Kang Un-Tae, has called the 4th World Human Rights Cities Forum, which this year will be celebrated under the topic “Towards a global alliance of human rights cities for all”.

Organized since 2001, the WHRCF is an annual meeting of key actors and stakeholders engaged in building human rights cities (local governments, experts, United Nations agencies, professionals, etc.).

The Forum aims to foster the vision of a “human rights city” as defined in the Gwangju Declaration adopted at the 1st WHRCF.

The Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights of UCLG is supporting the organization of this event, in which many of its cities members will present their experience on the subject.

On the occasion of the Forum, the Committee will also celebrate its first 2014 Biannual Meeting with the following objectives:

  1. Discuss and approve the 2014-2016 Strategic Plan
  2. Discuss and approve the Committee’s new governance structure
  3. Brainstorming about the organization of the 2nd World Summit of Local Governments for the Right to the City

For further information on the subject, please click here: 1st CISDP 2014 Biannual Meeting.