Call to release Ukrainian mayors
We condemn the abduction, kidnapping and killing of Mayors in Ukraine.
We join the Association of Ukrainian Cities in the call for safeguarding minimum services and security to the civilian population in shelters and basements. We call for the protection of local governments employees and public service providers that are putting their lives in jeopardy every day to continue servicing the communities.
We speak with one united voice when we say that nothing can justify war, the targeting of cities and the loss of innocent civilian lives. We call for international humanitarian and human rights law, including the Geneva Convention and the Charter of the United Nations, to be upheld.
We call for the war to end and for paths towards a diplomatic solution to be found as we continue committed to supporting our members welcoming refugees and displaced. We demand all parties to allow safe and unfettered passage to destinations outside of Ukrainian cities, and to facilitate the rapid, safe and unhindered access to humanitarian assistance for those in need.
We stand with all the people affected by this war. Human suffering must end.