Advocating for the strategic integration of public markets in​​ the new global development agenda


The 9th edition of the International Public Markets Conference took place between 26 and 28 March in Barcelona. The objective of this event was to articulate a new global vision for public markets.

The 9th edition of the International Public Markets Conference took place between 26 and 28 March in Barcelona. The objective of this event was to articulate a new global vision for public markets, as authentic places that are increasingly recognized for their contributions to the food supply system and local economic development.

​T​he important role that markets play in recognizing and maintaining rural-urban linkages was  also​ highlighted; a theme that forms a central part of the work of the organization’s Intermediary Cities Working Group, who represented UCLG in the event.

Read the Declaration : ENG / ESP

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Source: Intermediary Cities Working Group