6th edition of Africités Summit


From December 4th to December 8th, 2012, co-organised by UCLG Africa, the Africities 6 Summit will accommodate, in Dakar, nearly 5000 people.The participants represent all the protagonists of the African local life and their partners from other regions of the world:ministers in charge for the local governments and ministers in charge of sustainable development and of employment;local authorities and elected officials;central and local administrations representatives;civil society organizations, professional associations and trade unions;economic operators of the public and private sectors, and of the social economy;traditional and moral authorities;researchers and academics;international cooperation agencies.
The sixth edition of the Africities Summit has as a subject “Building Africa starting from its territories”. It will examine the impact of the dynamic of urbanization, globalization and democratization with her corollary the decentralization, on the reorganization of the settlement and development of the continent, and her inscription in the world of today and tomorrow. The favored prospect is to approach the challenges of the development and the governance of the continent with as aim of contributing to the emergence of Africa of the People, beyond and across Africa of the States, a sine qua non condition of the successful inscription of Africa in the world.
The Summit architectures comprises three segments: the thematic sessions during which the theme of the Summit is analyzed and discussed (December 4th and 5th) ; special sessions organized at the request of institutions, agencies or networks wishing to work with local governments of Africa (December 6th) ; the last two days are reserved to political meetings (December 7th and 8th).
The whole week long, a Local Governments Business Exhibition (Africities Business Exhibition) contiguous to the space of the conference will offer the opportunity to public and private sector companies, public and private institutions, to civil society and international solidarity organizations, as well as to local governments and their associations to showcase their products, tools, methods and experiments at the service of local communities and populations. The AfricitiesBusiness Exhibition will host between 400 and 500 exhibitors.